Saturday, June 14


We are (finally) home after 6 days in the mountains. Ahh.
Came home a day early; eating breakfast this morning, we remarked on how dark the cabin was. Looked outside, dark out there, too! DH pulled up Weather Channel and saw a multi-colored band moving directly towards us.
"Anybody want to go home a day early?" I asked. We packed up in record time, loaded up the car and hauled outta there. Poor DH drove in drizzle, rain, sun, and gully-washing storms. His eyes actually looked like the cartoon husbands', with red lines and dark circles. We passed three severe accidents and prayed at each one!
The girls in the back seat were pretty much oblivious, happily settling in with cell phones, iPods, and that dinosaur, the CD walkman. They sang and sang. At one point, one of them was singing, "Sk8er Boy" by Avrile Lavigne and the other was singing, "(I Didn't Even Know his) Last Name," by Carrie Underwood. Had to smile.
We unloaded the car in record time, too. The cooler is unpacked, washing machine is running and the pets are ALL in someone's lap. It's good to be home.

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