Sunday, August 24

End of Summer

DH, LO and I took a family trip to the neighborhood pool yesterday. School starts tomorrow and I was craving some family together-time before our schedules exponentiate. (Is that a word?)

We swam together, played "find the submarine," and generally spent 2.5 hours in the cool Carolina sun and water.

Our pool has a snack shed that offers gooey, sweet, sour, and cold snacks for 'way below retail. The pool is a co-op and a couple of the moms put in their hours by visiting the price club for snacks. They buy a case of this and a case of that and charge only what it cost to purchase it. The kids can take a dollar to the pool and fill up on all the junk they want. Yesterday LO had a pack of those oh-so-sweet sugar wafers, a frozen tube of koolaid-like syrup, and a bag of Skittles. DH had a bag of Combos, those high-fat pretzels filled with sweetened peanut butter. I had a ziplock of Craisins and pecans I had brought from home.

As we wandered up the sidewalk to the car, tired, wet, and lazy, the following conversation ensued.

LO: Y'know what every little kid outgrows?
DH: Shoes, clothes, toys?
Me: Hugs and kisses?
LO: No! They outgrow "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, you can't get me." It's just so annoying. But every kid says it and every kid outgrows it. It's sort of sad."

Sigh. End of summer. I wish every day could be like yesterday.

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