Thursday, August 21

The Ultimate Calendar

I've had this calendar for about 2 years now and it is amazing. It measures 5 feet wide x 5 feet high.

It is made of 4 square metal panels and installing the thing is a total booger. However, once it's up it is a lifesaver, definitely worth the work. The beauty of it is that it is both write-on/wipe-off AND magnetic, so you can write in your dates and magnet on your reminder cards from the doctor, tickets to events, whatever. Of course you can get creative and do the events for different family members by color, etc.

I was disappointed when it arrived to see that the day headers at the top, preprinted on the metal, ran the week from Monday through Sunday. I prefer Sunday through Saturday. I complained about it and my DH said, "I bet you can do something about that." Until he said that, all I knew to do was whine. Inspired by his coaching, (he really is motivational) I used some magnetic paper for the printer and, using a really big font in Microsoft Publisher, made magnetic days of the week and stuck them right over the preprinted ones.

The calendar came with 3" round numbers you apply for the days of the month. I place the dates on the calendar, fill in all our appointments, and roll. As one week passes by, I erase the appts, remove the dates, and add the next week in the 4-week sequence. So the calendar never ends. It's perpetual.

It has room to keep 5 weeks going, but I use the row at the bottom as a place to stick on papers and markers, so I don't use it as a calendar week.

Particularly at this time of the year, when school and sports and music lessons and PTA Board and Band Boosters are all gearing up at the same time, the calendar is critical to our success. On top of all that we have the normal orthodontist appointments, volunteer hours, crazy work schedule, interviews & photo shoots for my articles, dog groomer, well, you get the idea. You have your own crazy litany of appointments.

All I can say is if you have a 5x5 space, this calendar is well worth the investment.

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