Monday, August 25

Have You Seen It?

... the commercial for Hanes No-Ride panties. No, I don't mean the one where ladies try to oh-so-subtly get their wedgies out. A shaken leg here, a shimmy there. It's all pretty innocent.

No, I mean the one where two gfs are approaching each other on the sidewalk. Unaware that she's in the field of vision of her gf, the one reaches behind and !plucks! the wedgie from the crevasse. As they meet, the other girlfriend says, "Did you just...?" "Oh, no," says the offender. "Well, yes," she admits. They laugh and the wiser gf pulls a pkg of Hanes No-Ride panties from her bag to promote them as the cure-all.

The rumbling sound you hear is my mother rolling in her grave. What's next? she asks. Picking noses? Toe jam? Naval excavation? Is nothing sacred anymore?

Watch for it. It is sort of unbelievable.

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