Sunday, March 23

Easter 2008

Sigh. Four, count 'em FOUR of LO's lunchboxes are AWOL at the middle school. I packed lunches in paper bags until I ran out. She doesn't like paper bags as her frozen juice pack gets the bag all wet; she likes me to put the juice pack in a ziplock. I hate using even more ziplocks so the last week or two, she has actually purchased school lunches. Ick. Several days she has gotten in the car and reported that she did not eat. Anything.

So I searched for a really cute lunchbox. One she will not want to lose. One her peers might recognize as being hers, when they see it wherever it is that lunchboxes go. I wanted to make The New Lunchbox an Event, not wanting to just integrate it into the normal landscape. All this is in an effort to keep it around for a while. We just have one more quarter left in this school year.

So, I packed Easter in it. Totally ignored the whole traditional basket thing, and used the lunchbox instead. Here's a pic:

What's amazing is how much I got into the thing: Three new headbands, 2 new watches, 2 nightgowns, a pair of new sunglasses, a box of Peeps, a dark chocolate egg 5" high by 3" diameter, and a ton of jellybeans and Reese's eggs.

She totally made the Easter Bunny cake. Here are a pic and her story:

Hey, Evry1!!! Its me LO... (as i am called on here)

I made a cake!!! ik what ur thinking, yea right she got a little help like getting it out of the oven or something, nope no help at all TEE HEE!!! Well nana gets some credit, she did the eyes, nose, whiskers(in which i dont really like the idea of dental floss on a cake but....), and mouth. I dont know what else to say so... i gtg do w/e i gtg do... C u l8ter ppls

Im out...

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