Thursday, March 6

Of Dust Bunnies and Other Things

Ah, it's spring. The birds are singing. Buds have appeared on the lifeless-looking limbs. Forsythia and daffodils are peeking out their heads. And -- the pets are shedding.

We love our pets, and greet them by name as they enter the room. "Hey, Dan," we call, as he walks in. "Yow," he tosses back, and thump! hurls himself on his side for a nap. "Hi, Precious!" I greet Spencer as she sidles in. "Mow?" she reaches up to tap my arm as I type. "Not now, darling," I regret as I work. We don't really get the chance to greet Tucker when she comes into a room, as she is always IN the room. As we move about the house, she tends to follow. Mostly we grant or deny permission for a lapsit, or agree to a quick spin about the neighborhood.

As we return from a walk, or come up from the garage, Spencer runs to the door to greet us. "You're back!" her eyes say, and she kisses Tucker's nose to welcome her.

We are a family of six and all six of us have always known it. That said, only three of us tend to leave our coats about the floor by the handful. Two longhair cats and a longhair dog are a sure recipe for frequent vacuuming -- make that perpetual vacuuming in the spring, as their winter coats fall out.

DH and I chat about this or that and pluck random bits of fur floating about in the air. Dust bunnies as big as your fist emanate from behind doors or under furniture, mere hours after I vacuum. And, yes, I do vacuum behind doors, and move all the furniture except the beds. It's just a quantity thing.

I just don't have the time to vacuum every day. I vacuum twice a week, and Swiffer in-between. Still, the dust bunnies prevail. But I wouldn't trade our three furry friends for the world. As with other family members, you recognize their negatives and love them all the more.

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