Monday, March 3


Swivel Sweeper, makeup, pet joint spray, organ enhancement drugs, exercise dvd's, weight machines, steam-a-way, juice machines, home businesses, wrinkle remover cream.

The tea did not work. Relaxation podcasts did not work. Waking up DH and asking him to cuddle did not work.

Infomercials did the trick.

We got a sample of Advil PM with our newspaper yesterday. I warmed our beanbag, got a glass of milk, took the Advil, curled up with a blanket and watched infomercials.

I was truly searching for something to watch. Hoped for an old society comedy with Billie Burke. All I could find was infomercials.

Four ladies on a couch, being interviewed by a young man. Prominently displayed cleavage.
"I dated a guy for four years. He was a wonderful guy. But we just did not DO IT very often. He was small."

"Would you have done it more often if he had been larger?"

"Oh, definitely."


"It picks up bolts. It gets rice. Other cleaners don't get under the furniture, around the legs. Watch how we..."


"One spray and see how she runs and plays like she hasn't in years."


You get the idea. I drifted off sometime after 4am and was delighted to hear LO and DH handling a morning without me at 6:30. Slept in til 8:00. Ahh.

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