Tuesday, March 25

Heating Pad Required

"Hey, Nana, where you going?"
"I have a mammogram scheduled this morning."
"What's that?"
"It's a test to see if you have breast cancer. They put your boob on a plate and.."
"Eww. NO! STOP!"
"...And then another plate comes down and smashes it flat so it can take a picture of the insides.."
"EWWW. NO!" (Putting hands over ears.)
"...And the lady always has cold hands. She always apologizes, though. 'Sorry, my hands are cold...' "
"Stop it, Nana!"
"...And wouldn't you think, if you were a professional boob-handler, you'd keep your hands on a heating pad? I mean, that's your total job, moving boobs around..."
(LO runs from room)
"...What? I was just saying..."

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