Wednesday, October 1

Bigtime Palin Supporter

I knew something fishy was up when I received this envelope in today's mail.

Let me explain. 

You'll think I am off-subject, but really, really, I am not. 

I hate Elvis Presley.
Hate, detest, can't stand the music. The curled lip. The sleazy costumes. The greasy hair. The bump, the grind. Any of it. 

I never got it at all. 

When I was little, people would be all excited about his concerts. They would actually go to them. 

I would think, 


As I grew older and had children of my own, I didn't think a thing of it. We'd be in the car, and have the radio on. An Elvis song would come on. I would turn the radio off. Off. Not change the station, but turn it off. 

As the children got a little older, they asked why. I explained that I disliked the music so badly I had to turn it completely off to clear the air. 

When my DS's became teens, I forget how old, I would occasionally get Elvis junk mail. It would tear me up. The boys had signed me up for some Elvis fan club or something, just for the devilment. 

You gotta laugh. 

So of course this is what I thought of today when I got this letter from Sarah. 

I realize it is too tiny for you to see; I am a tad disappointed at exactly how tiny it came out. Let me give you a line or two from the letter, and you'll see what I'm saying. 

"I personally want to say thank you for the steadfast support and unstinting generosity you have given to the Republican Party and all of our candidates. Thanks to your faith and your commitment, we have the momentum and, from the crowds I see at every stop, our momentum continues to grow daily."

OK, boys, I'm on to you. A donation in my name! The question is not IF you did it, but, was it one of you or both??

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