Saturday, October 25

Change What?

Unfortunately I receive a lot of propogandist right-leaning, conservative tripe in my email from well-meaning friends.

I received just such an email today. Among other things, it said,

"I'm concerned that a growing number of voters in this country simply don't get it. They are caught up in a fervor they can't explain, and calling it "change".
"Change what?", I ask.
"Well, we're going to change America ", they say.
"In what way?", I query.
"We want someone new and fresh in the White House", they exclaim..
"So, someone who's not a politician?", I say.
"Uh, well, no, we just want a lot of stuff changed, so we're voting for Obama", they state.
"So the current system, the system of freedom and democracy that has enabled a man to grow up in this great country, get a fine education, raise incredible amounts of money and dominate the news and win his party's nomination for the White House - that system's all wrong?"
"No, no, that part of the system's okay - we just need a lot of change."
And so it goes. "Change we can believe in."
Quite frankly, I don't believe that vague proclamations of change hold any promise for me. In recent months, I've been asking virtually everyone I encounter how they're voting. I live in Illinois , so most folks tell me they're voting for Barack Obama. But no one can really tell me why - only that he's going to change a lot of stuff. "Change, change, change." I have yet to find one single person who can tell me distinctly and convincingly why this man is qualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation on earth - other than the fact that he claims he's going to implement a lot of change."

Well, I voted for Obama already, and I am a thoughtful, intelligent voter, NOT caught up in a "fervor," and, dear sir, I am so sorry you have run into some poorly prepared voters. The proclamations of change are NOT vague. Here is the change Obama has specifically detailed.

He will change the trigger-quick Texas Ranger urge to go to war and kill tons of innocent people, including over 4,000 of our own young people. (ps, Christians who declare you can't be a Christian and a liberal: where does it say that Christ condoned killing people? ...much less for a cause that has been proven to be a LIE? Remember, ...WMD? Anyone? Anyone?)

He will change the pyramid scheme taxation system where the few wealthy at the top get all the breaks and the working people can't afford luxuries like dental care for their kids or proper maintenance on their homes, much less vacations or nights out with their spouses.

He will change the perverse American medical system that makes health care a rare luxury.

He does not support laws being made based on the influence of lobbyists who contribute to lawmakers' political campaigns.

In short, he will change America so that the office at the top considers the little guy. It will be a refreshing change, and I pray to God it happens.

There are many, many other changes elicited in his more recent book, on his website, and in his refreshingly intelligent discourse. Unfortunately my fuse has burned down during the tempest of the email and this posting, so I am stopping here. Please educate yourself, if you are truly open-minded, so you can see for yourself and answer, what change? I suspect, however, that you know precisely 'what change' and you are afraid. Afraid to believe that a black man might have the answers. Afraid to vote outside your comfort zone, whether that's racially, partisan, or issue -based.

I only hope those folks who have been asking, why can't the candidates stick to the issues and not sling the mud, can hear that the first words out of McCain's mouth, out of Palin's mouth, on the robo-calls, the first two words, are "Barack Obama."

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