Friday, October 17

Did You Know?

My graduation from our local Leadership program in the spring was not the end of that journey. All students in the program have to sign up to host one of the 10 programs being presented for the upcoming class. I signed up for the Local Government program. The two other classmates who signed up to host it are our City Clerk and the local home economist. She has a fancier title nowadays, but that is what she is. 

The three of us worked tightly as a team to call all the presenters, organize the day, reserve meeting space, and correspond with the Chamber of Commerce, who in turn communicated with the students. We had to find sponsors for the meals and snacks, arrange transportation to the offsite tour, and in general manage the day.

Our day was yesterday. 

After several meetings through the summer and an intensive week, our day happened without a hitch. We were allowed to see the evaluations at the end of the day and I was so pleased to see that a couple of folks remarked that our day seemed more organized than the other two they had had. 

One of our speakers presented the following video and I found it captivating. I knew when I saw it that I wanted to blog it. Hope you enjoy.....

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