Thursday, October 9

OK, It's Out. I Said It. I Tried Not To...


OK, I am about to burst. I cannot go another day without saying what I think is so so so obvious. All the ppl who do not care for my somewhat liberal belief system (family included) fair warning:


Maybe my headstone (or the plaque in the columbarium) can say, "At least she was honest."

The poor Republicans have never been so vitriolic. Hm. I have to look that one up.

harsh or corrosive in tone;
"an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid
comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words";
"blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show
hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic
of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable
of destroying or eating away by chemical action

OK. I spelled it correctly. ....where was I?

...have never been so vitriolic. They are bitter, harsh, scathing, all those words in the definition. I believe they are feeling threatened right now.

They say healthcare is not a right. That the poor need to just go get a job.
..........There aren't jobs out there.
I know people who are working TWO jobs and still don't have healthcare, much less the time to raise their children the way they want to. And savings? They want to save. First they have BILLS TO PAY. Not necessarily credit card bills. Groceries. Fuel. Electricity. School uniforms.

They assume all Christians are Republicans.
.........Duh? Jesus specifically talked about taking care of the poor.

They say the government should not take care of the homeless, that churches and volunteers should.
........They don't go to church and they don't help at the homeless shelter.

We are not all born into advantage, folkses.

Those of us who are, have an obligation to show our gratitude by giving our time and our resources to those who do not. An obligation to whom? To the Creator. To those who are less fortunate. TO OURSELVES. What makes our time here, matter? Making it a better place for others? Or judging others? Yes, raising your family is important. You have time left over. You know you do. Or you wouldn't be circulating emails judging others. You wouldn't have time to blog your condescending views.

Sitting on the Throne of Conservatism and looking down your nose at those who are less fortunate doesn't get you, or anyone, anywhere.

Sure, there are some on welfare who take advantage. But there are many who don't. Come visit our homeless shelter and you will see it's filled with people who are just like you and me. Except you and I have nice houses. And they don't. We have cool in the summer and heat in the winter. We have soft comfy chairs to read in and Internet and a refrigerator filled with all the things we like.

SAYING that it's not government's role to help the poor won't help a thing. WORKING to help them privately, will.

Isolating yourself among others who have the advantage of being born into comfort, and judging those who weren't, is .... well, I need to stop.

Think I'll go take a walk. :)

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