Tuesday, October 21

The Crud

LO, DH and I have all had The Creeping Crud this week. DH had it first, then me, finally LO. She won a hard-fought tennis match this afternoon. They were tied throughout the match and finally she pulled ahead. We got in the car and I felt her head: hot. She is in the bed now fast asleep.

It has been a crazy week already. She has four tennis matches in a row: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It's the last week of the season so we have final games + makeups from the rainy days last week and the week before. Tomorrow she plays the school that defeated her team earlier in the season. Watch out, snooty school from eastern part of county: we are out for a win.

Immediately following the tennis match yesterday was the first band concert of the year. With no time to take the girls home for showers, dinner, and changing clothes, all the tennis moms worked together. We brought in jugs of soda, brownies, salad, and called for pizza. The 16 girls who are on both the tennis team and band, had a blast having a (fast!) dinner in the cafeteria. Then they made a quick wardrobe change and ran to the auditorium for their concert. LO was at school from 7:30am to 8:30pm, three changes of clothes: school uniform, tennis dress, band clothing. Loong day. Whewie.

My Artist's Way group is going have to a new experience this Friday night, and I am really looking forward to it. It is called Pecha Kucha night. Up to 12 people who are creative in some way have the opportunity to show slides of some concept of their work. But wait, won't they go on forever? The essence of Pecha Kucha is its speed. Each presenter gets to show 20 images for 20 seconds each. This totals 6 minutes, 40 seconds per presenter. We stop in the middle and have wine and nibbles. The spectrum of creative people is broad. It might go from sculptor to games designer to.. say, textile artist.

Our group is meeting at one of our member's house for dinner then heading over together. Should be fun!

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