Saturday, October 18

Same Old Song

I bet you thought this would be a political post, did you not? Nay, nay, "my friends," it's an homage to the lead singer for the Four Tops, Levi Stubbs.

I have always suspected that my DH hears notes and understands music in a way that I do not. There is a layer to music that he gets, and I totally miss out.

In like manner, sometimes the way a piece is written can just take my breath away. That was the case this morning as I drove to Greensboro and listened to this article about Levi Stubbs, who passed away yesterday.

I have to admit I was a tad disappointed this evening when I rushed in to look it up on the internet, only to find today's item had no transcript. Here is the closing line:
Just listen to that voice, now silent, never silenced.

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