Tuesday, April 21

Aw, just the fan...

Despite my earlier aghast reaction to the price of refrigerators, I must say, once I started shopping for them, I quickly became warm to the idea of buying one. Oooh, shiny.

I studied them online. I visited several stores. I settled on two models, both counter-depth, stainless, freezer-on-the-bottom. I showed the prices to DH and showed him pics online. We settled on a date to purchase, based on the oldie holding out, so we did not have to use credit.

So I dug in and waited for said date.

As I've indicated earlier, I had swept, swiped, vacuumed, and blown the coils to be sure we weren't dealing with clogged fan.

This weekend, DH, probably responding, himself, to the cost of a new one, took it all seriously, finally, and took the back off the fridge, and cleaned it.


Last night, he googled the issue and came up with a different set of options than I had. His diagnosis: burned out fan.

A new one costs $100.

So he is ordering a new one and installing it, himself.

Aw. I had really gotten used to the idea of a new one.

Oooh. Shiny.

1 comment:

Hi, My name is: Tim said...

Ya know, Mom, diamonds are "ooh shiny" also... and without having to buy a new fridge...