Wednesday, April 29


Many of you may know I collect vintage hankies. I love 'em. I try to carry one or two on me at all times. If I have allergies, or feel emotional, or my makeup runs, or a kid scratches a mosquito bite, their uses are endless.

I was at school board meeting Monday night and met with someone out in the hallway to discuss a much-loved teacher who is battling cancer. She had just received a merit award and I was interested in perhaps featuring her in an article.

So I asked the assistant to meet me out in the hallway for a second. When I told her my intention, she began to cry -- quite hard. Fortunately I had a polka-dot hanky in my pocket.

I have offered a hanky to a crying friend several times over the years, and it never fails to cheer them up. The polka-dots are my favorites.

Sometimes when I am tired, I will pull up vintage hankies on eBay just to look at them. I love to see the various designs. What a lovely item that, sadly, has fallen out of favor.

I am shopping for more in earnest now b/c I have 'loaned' so many to friends that my stock is running low. If the idea appeals to you at all, I encourage you to browse on eBay just to see all the lovely choices. It takes you back to a simpler time. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Hi, My name is: Tim said...

Does this mean we should snipe you on bidding to get you a gift you were buying anyway?