Wednesday, April 8

Crawling Out

It is Wednesday and I have already wasted much of a week lying around in my jammies. I finally visited the doctor yesterday, and she said it likely started as the flu, but progressed into a sinus infection. A really bad sinus infection. When I asked why I have mucus coming from my eyes, well, you figure it out. It's really too gross to put into words here. They gave me a shot in the butt and emailed my prescription for antibiotics to my pharmacy, which I very much appreciated. That way I was able to drive there, pick it right up and go home to bed.

LO and I rented "Yes Man" on our cable movie thingie, and laughed out loud. It was quite good.

I am trying to plan activities for her for the remaining days of Spring Break, since we are not taking a trip this year. Today we are doing manicures. Unsure about tomorrow, but DH is off on Friday and we are all going to the Levine Museum of the New South, then to a nice lunch. The exhibits look great -- will post afterwards. You can read about the museum here. We are scheduled to have rain on Friday, so a museum works out nicely.

The luncheon on Sunday was wonderful by all accounts. We had 48 guests, and they flowed well between living room, dining room, kitchen and front porch. We had plenty of food, and all the plates we dumped were totally clean -- they seemed to enjoy it all.
Received many compliments on the $40 cake we got in lieu of the $400 one at the chi-chi bakery. I plan to go get some of my $40 back as the middle layer was supposed to be chocolate but it was all white.

I was concerned about the gaping black hole that is our fireplace, nice and toasty in the winter but not too attractive in spring. I had sent DH in search of a colorful planter filled with pansies and such, but he came back empty-handed, saying he could tell I would not be satisfied with anything he saw. My co-hostess was present while all this transpired, and she ran to her landscaper and came back with beautiful bloom-laden pink azaleas, which looked wonderful in the fireplace.

We were so busy serving we totally forgot to take pics until the end, when we just shot the girls. Here they are.

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