Thursday, April 23

Foamy Thing: Cool

On our first adventure at the new Ikea, DH spotted this spinny thing that makes foam for your latte'. I resisted getting it because he teases me about being a gadget-aholic.

I think you could also use it to dissolve powder into drinks. Like Spiru-tein, another passion of mine.
Or Gatorade. Which is not.

On my second trip to the new Ikea, however, I succombed. It costs $2.99, takes one penlight battery, and is the BEST.

Here is the cream in my mug with a little cinnamon sprinkled on it. Actually, I use soy milk, but you can use cream. I warm the milk first. This helps the smell of the cinnamon really burst through, enhancing the flavor of the coffee.

Here is the spinny thing at work. The photo was turned the correct way on my computer, but somehow it uploaded at an angle. Oh, my.

Here is the finished product, coffee in, foam on top. I use the spinny thing every day and am constantly amazed at the pleasure I get from a $2.99 device.
My coffee has never been so delightful.

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