Thursday, April 30


OK. As a programmer in the 80's, yes, I know some of you weren't BORN yet, but back then, we learned the term, "multi-tasking." It referred to the process of having the computer do multiple things at one time so it would run as quickly and efficiently as possible.

At some point, I began multi-tasking. It was simple enough when it started. Tying a child's shoe while talking on the phone. Stirring the spaghetti and calling out spelling words. Driving the car and yelling into the rearview mirror, "Don't make me stop this car!"

Then I really began multi-tasking. Mopping and watching TV and answering the cell phone. Eating and playing spades online. Walking the dog, listening to the iPod, and talking to neighbors. Writing and listening to NPR and answering emails.

I feel like I don't listen anymore. I don't complete tasks. I start working, flip over to FaceBook, flip back to the article. Listen to the recorder to get that quote just right. Oops, an email popped up. Answer that one. File it before I forget. Back to the article. Someone asks where I put the thermometer. In the cabinet, I think. Back to the article. Second shelf, I think, I call. Back to the article. Wait, why do you need the thermometer? Do you have a fever? Come here, let me feel you.

And on it goes.

I am making a conscious effort to stop multi-tasking. No more eating hunched over the keyboard. I. will. eat. at. the. table. Even if I am home, alone.

No more scanning the newspaper online and listening to NPR. I will read the tangible newspaper. It's delivered every day. I'll read it the old-fashioned way.

I will close the door when I write, and not scad about email and internet.

I will look people in the eye when they talk. I won't look about to see what else is going on. That's rude, anyway. No more thinking what I want to say next. That's rude, too. I will Listen. Listen. List-en.

I will play music on my new stereo. Walk the dog. Just walk her. No electronics. Sit on the porch.

After a week of this strange new world, I will make a report as to how well (or not) it went.

Stay tuned.

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