Sunday, April 26


Spent yesterday at a writers' conference and learned so, so much. Now to apply it!

Rode up with a gf whom I met at the writing class this winter. We gabbed all the way up and back, about writing, about people we know whose lives would make great stories, about this and that.

Most conferences include lunch, but this one did not. Unless you paid extra to eat lunch with an author. At this point in my life, I am past idolizing someone so I did not spring the extra $25. Hey, I am published, too, just in a different way.

The weather forecast was sunny and 82 degrees, so gf and I decided to pack a picnic. We ate outside in the shade and came back in totally refreshed.

The writers' network announced a summer residency in July. You send your manuscript ahead of time and arrive ready to work, work, work. I may go. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, I happened this morning on this lovely collection of books by one of my favorite people. Now I would pay to have lunch with him. Enjoy.

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