Wednesday, April 1

Swiffer Wet Jet

DH gives me total crap every time I buy a new mop, and I do have to admit I have bought a few. Perhaps I unconciously believe that buying a mop will make the floor clean, in much the same manner that I believe buying workout clothes will make me thin. Who knows.

So I have bought the sponge mop that folds in half to squeeze itself, the self-wringing string mop (it uses a slider on the handle to make it wring), a mop handle with three washable mop heads that you can throw in the washer (they get so tangled in the washer that you can't get them back on the handle ever again) and the plain old cotton string mop.

He uses the latter.

It gets so nasty I just abhor it.

I have watched the commercials for Swiffer Wet Jet for years and at first I thought, who wants a mop that sneezes a teensy bit of cleaner on the floor? -- but I have become more and more interested.

Maybe they have improved the ad.

So I finally bought one this weekend. I had a coupon and it was triple coupon week. $20 for the mop and $3 coupon, tripled, so I got it for $11.

When I got home I realized it uses batteries, and I was a bit disheartened. I mean, what kind of mop uses batteries?

And then of course there was the issue of DH giving me total crap. I cringed when I put the mop in the shopping cart, knowing ahead of time, what kind of crap I would get for buying it.

But I gave it a shot.


It really cleans the floor. We had recently mopped, and yet the pad I removed was black. Black.

The best part is, there is no bucket. No slopping water. No wet gross mop to squeeze with your hands.

I am mopping the floor in just a few seconds. And I actually look forward to it.

1 comment:

Mary Ellen said...

Hmmm...Maybe I need one. I've been using my new vacuum to clean the kitchen table and the high chairs lately. It's great. All the crumbs disappear and then it's easy to scrub. If we are having soup or spaghetti, however, it's an entirely different matter. Mopping, scrubbing, re-mopping, cleaning the mop, and the job's still not done. Sounds like a great purchase!