Thursday, September 18


Well, in case you missed it, DS2 posted a comment, actually, several, to my bio posting from yesterday. Here is the text of what he said, with my explanations for each!

Maggie's Attic doesn't like throwing away leftover bananas.
I always used to say: "I have 2 words for you: Eat Bananas."

Maggie's Attic is one cool mamma jamma
What can I say? He's my boy.

Maggie's Attic got the memo and is working on it, just back off
Ditto the prior one.

Maggie's Attic still boogies in the kitchen
(embarrassed) Ok. A hundred years ago my kids caught me dancing, really crazy dancing, as I washed dishes, to, um, ok,  THRILLER. 

Maggie's Attic gets doggie kisses
I guess Grandson saw LD kiss me?

Maggie's Attic builds parks
We had a field trip to the park before they left for Japan. They sat on the Maggie bench and saw their brick.  

Maggie's Attic lives in a house of music and love

So true. I'd love to use this one. 

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