Friday, September 12

High Fructose Corn Syrup

There is a series of new commercials swamping the media -- magazine ads, TV, newspaper -- about the innocent and oft-maligned sweetener, high-fructose corn syrup.

It is paid for by the corn growers' association.

Recognize propoganda for what it is, folks.

Steady HFCS intake has been linked to weight gain, higher triglyceride levels, higher LDL cholesterol, and a decrease in insulin sensitivity - not really what you're looking for when you want to help your heart.

Also, almost all HFCS is made from genetically modified corn, a whole 'nother blog's worth of ranting.

The corn growers present HFCS as a martyr suffering groundless accusations. Read the book, "The Omnivore's Dilemma" for a great treatise on this product.

And, though the commercials are delightful, don't fall for them.

1 comment:

Hi, My name is: Tim said...

What I think is more frustrating is the artificial market the government has set up for these people like ADM. After lobbying from both natural and synthetic sweetners, Uncle Sam imposed restrictions on the amount of sugar imported into the US raising the price for domestic sugars and allowing HFCS to pick up the cheap and easies. The whole thing is a racket.