Wednesday, September 10

No One Says It Like Dowd

Love this woman. Maureen, will you come to the house for dinner?

1 comment:

Hi, My name is: Tim said...

"Why was Sarah for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against the Bridge to Nowhere, and why was she for earmarks before she was against them? And doesn’t all this make her just as big a flip-flopper as John Kerry?"

This is true. But can it be used against Palin by Obama and Biden? They both voted for the bridge as well. When it came up for a vote to divert those funds to Katrina victims, Obama and Biden both voted to keep that money in Alaska instead. They all three wanted that money to go there. Not just Palin.

"What kind of fiscal conservative raises taxes and increases budgets in both her jobs — as mayor and as governor?"

Umm... the same kind who shares in an 80-90% approval rating with those she governs and taxes. She cut property taxes 40%, cut her own salary... She DID raise the sales tax by half a cent on the dollar, and, after accusing Oil Companies of bribing legislators to keep their taxes low, finally caught them with a $1.5Billion tax increase and passed a $1,200 energy rebate to every Alaskan from the state's budget surplus.

"When the phone rings at 3 a.m., will she call the Wasilla Assembly of God congregation and ask them to pray on a response, as she asked them to pray for a natural gas pipeline?
"Does she really think Adam, Eve, Satan and the dinosaurs mingled on the earth 5,000 years ago?"

I'm sure she will... let's see... 3AM in DC is 11PM the night before in AK, so they'll have 4 hours to pray before they catch up. Hey, ask a silly question...

She has a religion. People would tote out the same line if Mitt Romney were the nominee with his Mormanism, or if one of the candidates was a Muslim. Does this make her a bad person?

"Why put out a press release about her teenage daughter’s pregnancy and then spend the next few days attacking the press for covering that press release?"

Because the press was going to find out about it, but if it was a "secret" it would have been a "scandal". Her daughter is not running for President.

"As Troopergate unfolds here — an inquiry into whether Palin inappropriately fired the commissioner of public safety for refusing to fire her ex-brother-in-law — it raises this question: Who else is on her enemies list and what might she do with the F.B.I.?"

Guilty before the verdict? Objectively ask yourself what did she personally have to gain from firing the guy who wouldn't fire the other guy?

"Does she want a federal ban on trans fat in restaurants and a ban on abortion and Harry Potter? And which books exactly would have landed on the literature bonfire if she had had her way with that Wasilla librarian?"

Some versions of this rumor come complete with a list of the books that Palin allegedly attempted to ban. Actually, Palin never asked that books be banned; no books were actually banned; and many of the books on the list that Palin supposedly wanted to censor weren't even in print at the time, proving that the list is a fabrication. The librarian was fired, but not by Palin and was told only that Palin felt she didn’t support her. She was re-hired the next day. The librarian never claimed that Palin threatened outright to fire her for refusing to ban books.

"Just how is it that Fannie and Freddie have cost taxpayers money (since they haven’t yet)?"

Fannie and Freddie have been tax dodgers for years and protected completely under the fed's belt as untouchables. If the government gives money to keep them afloat above and beyond their tax-exempt statuses, it is tax payer money.

"Does she talk in tongues or just eat caribou tongues?"

Thia is just silly.

"What does she have against polar bears?"
