Wednesday, September 3

Early Morning

This morning I got up a good half hour earlier than normal, at 5am. Our day is quite full and I thought some alone time would do me good.

Our PTA this year is participating in the Reflections contest, an opportunity for the students to express themselves through art, writing, musical composition, choreography, or film. I am chairing the contest this year, gladly letting go Membership Chairman for a hapless dad who does not yet know what he has gotten into.

Our middle school has a high population of high-risk kids, kids who stand a risk of not graduating, kids who may not have access to piano lessons, art camps, even playing in the band. Today I am speaking at their assembly to introduce them to this contest. My fear is that many of them are already too jaded and cool to want to participate. I would love to get them excited about the creative arts. So I got permission from our PTA Board to get prizes for the winners. Last night I zoomed to a Nearby Town and bought all sorts of fun things: lava lamps, a glow-in-the-dark basketball, a frizbee with LED lights around the edge, 35 pounds of candy bars, a soccer ball, a digital camera, and a digital frame, that shows all the photos on its chip.

I know when the schools hold fundraisers the kids come home all excited, wanting to "win" the fluffy pen or lava lamp, so I am hoping the same incentives might hold true for creativity. We are also giving an Honorable Mention ribbon to every child who participates, and medals to the winners.

The assembly is at 8:30. DH and I are attending (re)training at 9am downtown for mentoring our elementary school kids. At 10:30 he has a dentist appt. At 2 we check LO out of school for her sports physical, and at 7 she has piano lesson. You can see why I was so happy when my interviewees for an upcoming article called to reschedule our meeting from 4pm today to next week.

It's a busy day but a fun one. DH and I will be together for much of it, which makes it even better.

Must go get shower, etc, bye for now.

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